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198 West 21th Street, Suite 721
New York, NY 10010
[email protected]
+88 (0) 101 0000 000
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Curated Cuisine based on your unique taste profile!

TasteDNA cuts through natural boundaries like cuisines and local cultures to present food as a summation of experiences. We are removing barriers to trying new things and creating a community of adventurous food enthusiasts.

The Delicious World of TasteDNA

TasteDNA accurately predicts meals you will love, within and outside your familiar cuisines, which exposes you to a diverse and delicious taste adventure.

TasteDNA capitalizes on taste preferences and ushers in a new perspective on our collective relationship with food.

Users create their unique taste profile, which allows them to articulate the nuances that define their taste preferences. Taste profiles focus on taste and flavor and transcend traditional notions of cuisine or local culture.

TasteDNA App Features

Unique & Accurate Taste Recommendations

Try new and interesting foods around you that match your taste.


The Taste Translator

With tasteDNA, You don’t have to be familiar with a menu’s language to enjoy its cuisine.


Taste Matching

Get Matched & Engage With People With Similar Taste Profiles Around You


Connect with other Foodies

Connect with Foodies Worldwide and Locally, engage over flavors & trends


Healthier Choices

Eat healthier, more delicious options of the food you already enjoy


Taste Fun

Explore world taste data trends with engaging activities and tools

More about tasteDNA